Plumbing Services CA

Faucet and Sink Repair

Faucet and sink leaks are among the most common and irritating plumbing issues that homeowners face. Surprisingly, they can also be quite costly. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a single leaking faucet or sink pipe in the average household can waste over 10,000 gallons of water per year. That’s equivalent to 270 loads of laundry! Not only is this environmentally harmful, but it also adds up to significant expenses on your water bill. By promptly fixing a common leak, you could save approximately 10% on your water bills.

Moreover, leaks or ruptures under your sink can cause damage to the surrounding furniture, floor, walls, and cabinets, leading to additional expenses and headaches. Don’t wait until the problem worsens. Schedule your expert faucet or sink repair service across California today to prevent further damage and save on your water bills.

Finding the Leak

Identifying leaking faucets and under-sink leaks is often straightforward. You can listen for the sound of dripping water or inspect for pooled water in the cabinet or beneath the sink. However, for hidden leaks, particularly if accessing or seeing the piping underneath your sink is challenging, watch out for these indicative signs of a leak:

  • Mold or mildew growth on or around your pipes or sink.
  • Damaged walls or wallpaper, particularly at lower levels where such damage might not be immediately noticeable.
  • Water stains on the ceiling in the room directly below the sink.
  • Musty or earthy odors emanating from standing water.
  • Leakage from the dishwasher, pooling water under the sink.

If you’re struggling to locate hard-to-see leaks, our technicians are equipped to pinpoint leaks under sinks or within walls and ceilings.

The Cause of the Leak

There are several reasons why your faucet or sink might be leaking. Most often, the culprit is a worn-out O-ring. The O-ring, typically a ⅜ to ⅝ inch rubber washer, serves to seal the handle of your faucet. Over time, it can degrade, leading to water leakage. Fortunately, replacing the O-ring is a straightforward task that can be accomplished with basic tools and a replacement O-ring from your local hardware store.

The likely cause of a faucet leak can be determined by the type of faucet you have. There are four common types: compression, ball, disc, and cartridge faucets. If you have a compression or ball faucet, the culprit is likely a worn-out O-ring. For disc and cartridge faucets, the issue typically lies with the disc or cartridge needing replacement.

Other reasons behind a leak might be:

  • Rust or corrosion
  • Worn seals/ washers
  • Aged fixture
  • Faulty pipes

For assistance diagnosing and repairing your leaky sink faucet, schedule your appointment today. We’re also happy to replace your sink faucet with a new, attractive model that will last for years.

Correcting the Leak

Regardless of how the leak originated, a professional Plumbing Services CA home repair technician will be able to identify where any leaks are coming from and fix the problem. We stop leaks and spare your home from water damage by identifying the source of the problem and providing effective solutions.

With over 30 years of experience, we’ve dealt with everything from minor drips to major deluges:

  • Faucet leaks
  • Leak under sink
  • Drain hose
  • Garbage disposal
  • Dishwasher
  • Replacing outdoor faucets

For Fast Leaking Faucet Repair in Los Angeles, Schedule Service Your 24-7

Repairing leaks and fixing faucets across California is our specialty. Our fully stocked trucks arrive on time, equipped with all the necessary tools to complete your repair. Schedule your Plumbing Services CA faucet or sink repair today.

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